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Kindly send your query in detail alongwith your GATE and COAP Registration No. for attending the same. Email id:


The purpose of COAP is to fill all the M.Tech. seats in the participating institutes and also to provide a common platform for all the participating PSU's to upload their Job offers to the GATE Qualified candidates. The objective is to enable fair chances to all participating institutes as well as M.Tech admission seekers/ PSU Job seekers.

To realize this goal, the following guidelines have been proposed

1 Participating Institutes/ PSU's upload their offers (seats/ jobs) during some prefixed dates (See Table 1&2) and the registered candidates can choose any one of the available offers, during each round of offers. A candidate can select maximum of one offer out of all available offers in each round. Candidates will have the following THREE options in each round.

1.1 Option 1- 'Accept and Freeze': This option should be selected if a candidate is willing to accept one of the available offers and does not like to be considered for upgrading to higher preferences, if any, in the subsequent round(s) of admission. Candidates selecting this option WILL NOT be considered in the subsequent round(s) of admission in any of the participating academic Institutes and PSUs. After clicking the 'Accept and Freeze' option, the candidate should click submit button to confirm the submission of his/her decision. Subsequently, the candidate should visit the respective Academic Institute's Admission Portal or PSU's Job Portal and follow the procedure as per the instructions on the respective website. Congratulations.

1.2 Option 2- 'Retain and Wait' : This option should be selected if a candidate indicates his/her partial acceptance to any one of the available offers and also would like to be considered for upgrading to the candidate's higher preferences, if any, in the subsequent round(s) of offers. Candidates selecting this option WILL NOT be considered for the other rejected offers in the current round. However, if any higher preferred offer is made in the next round then the existing 'Retain and Wait' offer will be released. However, a candidate can choose "Retain and Wait" on the same offer (same institute and same program) only twice. Nevertheless, the candidate will be considered for other higher preferences, if any, in the subsequent round(s) of admission offered in the participating academic Institutes and PSUs. After clicking the 'Retain and Wait' option, the candidate should click submit to confirm the submission of decision.

1.3 Option 3- 'Reject and Wait' : This option should be selected if the candidate is not willing to accept any of the offer(s) of admission / job in the current round. Nevertheless, the candidate will be considered for other higher preferences, if any, in the subsequent round(s) of admission offered in any participating academic Institutes and PSUs. Please note, the same offer will not appear in the subsequent rounds as you have rejected this offer. After clicking the 'Reject and Wait' option, the candidate should click submit to confirm the submission of decision.

2. After making the final choice, candidates have to complete the submission procedure by clicking 'submit' button. Without completing the submission procedure, it will be treated as if the candidate has not accessed the COAP (vide 5).

3. After selecting an offer of joining / admission with "Accept and Freeze" option, the candidate should visit the concerned organization's Webpage / Institute's M.Tech. Admission portal for the subsequent admission / joining procedure. The admission / joining procedure should be completed by the candidate within the due date specified by the admitting institute / PSU.

4 Once a candidate declines / rejects offer(s) in a particular round, the candidate will not be considered for the same offer(s) thereafter. However, the candidate (either with option 'Retain and Wait' or with option 'Reject and Wait') will be considered for the higher preferences, if any, in the subsequent round(s) of offers.

5. Candidates should visit COAP Portal during each round of offers till the decision of "Accept and Freeze" is made by the candidate. If a candidate does not access the COAP or does not make a decision during a particular round of offers, then all offers made during that round will be considered as Rejected by the candidate. Nevertheless, in case, the candidate has given higher preferences, then the candidate will be considered for higher preferences, if any, in the subsequent round(s) of offers.

6. In the Decisive round of offers (last round of main rounds and all additional rounds), registered candidates will be provided with only in two options of "Accept and Freeze" or "Reject".

6.1 Candidate should select the option "Accept and Freeze" if the candidate is willing to accept one of the offers. After clicking the 'Accept and Freeze' option, the candidate should click submit to confirm the submission of decision. Subsequently, the candidate should visit the respective Academic Institute's Admission Portal or PSU's Joining Portal and follow the procedure as per the instructions on the respective website. The admission / joining procedure should be completed within the due date.
6.2 Candidate selects the option "Reject", if the candidate is not willing to accept any of the offers in the current round. Then all offers made during that round will be considered as Rejected. The candidate should click submit to confirm the submission of decision. If a candidate does not access COAP or does not make a decision during the final round of offers, then all offers made during that round, will be considered as Rejected by the candidate.

7. It should be noted that during the operation time window of COAP, offers from participating institutes and PSUs will be available at COAP only. Candidates are required to make a decision on acceptance or upgrade or reject at COAP only.

8. Please refer to Action Flow Charts I and II for COAP Rounds of Offers.

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9:30am-1:00pm and 2:00pm-5:30pm (Monday-Friday)
(Note: Candidates are requested to call us on Government working days only)